We provide a range of architecture, development, project management & consulting services helping clients to modernise, integrate, transform and migrate their software systems and data to new platforms and technologies, to meet new business needs and open up new markets and opportunities, giving them competitive advantage and fit for purpose systems to grow their businesses.
Application modernisation, transformation, migration and integration services

To transform your software, you need a partner — A partner with deep technology knowledge, meaningful insights and a broad range of capabilities. With over 20 years consulting experience and 30 years technology experience,
Instrumentum is that partner.
Instrumentum has developed extensive experience managing and leading a range of integration, transformation and migration projects, which enables us to offer tailored technical services to our clients.

To manage a project effectively and successfully requires domain knowledge and experience. Instrumentum has developed extensive experience managing and leading a range of integration, transformation and migration projects, which enables us to offer tailored project management services to our clients.

Looking to migrate your software to a new platform or technology, but not sure where to start? Need help planning or executing your technology transformation project? Let us guide you with Strategic Planning services. Any organisation can develop with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving business environment means taking bold steps and making insightful decisions.